Do you think you may be trapped in a codependent relationship? Do you find yourself allowing yourself to be taken advantage of, insulted, and even physically harmed, simply because you don't want to leave your spouse? Codependent relationships are rarely as blatant as they're shown in the media. However, the warning signs are there if you know where to look for them. Here are a few options to consider.
The definition of codependent relationships is simply when one is dependent on the other to the point where it's self destructive. The person will do absolutely anything for the other person, even if it means sacrificing time, money, dignity, and even health, all for no reward. He or she allows the other person to define who they are. There are many forms that codependent relationships can take. For example, your husband may continually ask you for money to fund his drug or alcohol habit, and since you love him, you give it to him. You may continually clean up after your slovenly middle aged son who lives in your home without paying rent.
Of course, not all codependents are passive. There are those who fall on the other side of the spectrum as well. They are the controlling ones in the codependent relationships, the ones who latch onto the problems of others and seek to control them. They do this out of some misguided attempt at protection or simply because they believe they are unquestionably right.
What many don't realize is that codependent relationships are extremely dangerous. Prolonged exposure can result in the codependent person lapsing into anxiety, depression, and even suicidal urges. However, there are many ways you can break off the negative relationship and begin to see yourself for who you really are.
When it comes to getting out of codependent relationships, you must remember that you are not alone in the matter. There are plenty of 24 hour hotlines, shelters, abuse clinics, and other organizations who are willing to provide protection and a safe space. Once you're finally free of the relationship, it's time to conquer the typical feelings of anxiety, obsessiveness, depression, and lack of independence that many codependents face.
The journey is not an easy one, but neither is it impossible. With time, patience, and hard work, you can discern for yourself that you are fully capable of functioning on your own, with your own identity. Learn more today about how to battle codependent relationships. You'll be surprised at just how much you can accomplish.
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